Our know-how
dedicated to your product

Our customers all over the world can rely on our knowledge and experience. They appreciate flexibility and reliability.

We handle projects in close coordination with our customers and develop, produce and pack individually private label supplements and medical or pharmaceutical products.


We develop your desired product. You may also use a formula from our portfolio.

Full Line Service

We take care of everything – from the idea to a finished product.


Round, oblong or any individual shape – we love pressing tablets.


Capsules are trend supplements – we produce your capsules from size 1 to 00.


Powders sticks are convenience products – for direct consumption or in water.

Film Coating

We can coat your tablets or capsules in all colours.

Filling & packaging

Blister mit Faltschachtel? PET-Dosen oder Braunglas? Wir (ver)packen’s!


For producing your product we can choose from a wide range of ingredients, using little or no excipients.

You want to know more about our services?

Before starting your project we offer individual consultation and discuss all relevant issues of the product you plan to launch. Get in touch with our team of product managers to assist you.